Bet Tracker App
Is a simple, stripped-down sports betting app that allows you to estimate payouts for parlays with up to 12 legs/picks included. Odds can be entered in decimal, American, or fractional format. Betting Tracker allows you to get a quick overview of all your activities right from the dashboard. You don’t have to bother with spreadsheets and calculator to get the most important stats. See the current status of your tipsters and bookmakers At the dashboard, you can see which tipster is profitable, and which you might reconsider. JUICE is the best way to track and analyze your sports bets. FEATURES: - Track bets in realtime for NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, NCAA basketball & football. (More coming soon) - Make.smarter. bets with all o. We at Betting Tools have devised a spreadsheet for keeping track of all your bets. All you have to do is name the bet, set the stake and odds, choose the bookmaker from the dropdown and then choose win or lose once it has been completed. The spreadsheet does the rest and works out your profit loss on that particluar bet and overall.
Get It Done With Us
Tracking bets can be difficult, especially if you are betting more frequently across different bookmakers. We are here to make that process easy and fast.Bet Management
Track Sports Bets
Betting Tracker was designed to make adding and updating bets quick and painless. Also, it’s easy to search and filter your bets archive which is great if you need to do advanced analysis of your betting activity.
Bank Management
Performance Analytics

Your activities at a glance
Betting Tracker allows you to get a quick overview of all your activities right from the dashboard. You don’t have to bother with spreadsheets and calculator to get the most important stats.